Why & how to Donate

We rely on the kindness of strangers.

Everyone enjoying a day out, nothing but you, nature, and the other members of 701 Kayak. Two men, one the guide, in the front, the new member in the back. It is 701 Kayaking suggestion to take any and all advice from your guides please. They are there to keep you safe on this journey. A group of diverse people sitting next to a set up camp after a long day of kayaking in North Dakota. A group of diverse kayakers sharing a moment in a picture after a hard days push on the river. Tired, hungry, need to set up the tents, then there is the fire, and the talks, and the comradery. Kayaking till the day is done, and camp is set, adventure awaits.Every Day brings another day to get a chance to go kayaking with 701 Kayaking. Today this man finds himself on a sunny day near the shore, surrounded by an amazing and self reflecting view.
Every Day brings another day to get a chance to go kayaking with 701 Kayaking. Today this man finds himself on a sunny day near the shore, surrounded by an amazing and self reflecting view. North Dakota is just one of those places that you meet people in one day, that will become life long friends. Here two members share memories while they ride the river while fishing. A lady self reflecting on the Missouri River and discovering herself through the challenges and accomplishments of the day. Time to camp. Open camp fire burning logs.  Here members share stories, discuss daily events, tell jokes, open up, be themselves. A red kayak floats down the river in lovely North Dakota. Here you will find more then lovely landscape, but lovely people. Dont look know, but every day is a chance to sign up, donate, become a member and more. Today we kayak, on a lovely day, and tomorrow we kayak on a lovely day.

why donations are so important to our non-profit

Every cent of every donation goes to fund 701 Kayaking non-profit membership. Giving a chance for an individual to experience what many take for granted.

Donating to 701 Kayaking is not just a financial contribution; it's an investment in a noble cause. Your generosity directly impacts the lives of veterans and individuals seeking healing and transformation through nature. These donations enable us to offer our programs at no cost to participants, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has access to the therapeutic benefits of our activities. By donating, you become a vital part of our mission to foster mental wellbeing and personal growth in a supportive, natural environment.

Supporting Skilled Labor
At 701 Kayaking, we rely on skilled professionals, including instructors, and support staff, who are integral to delivering high-quality, impactful programs. Your donations contribute to fair compensation for these dedicated individuals. Their expertise and guidance are what make our programs both effective and transformative. In essence, your contribution helps us maintain a team of professionals who are deeply committed to our participants' wellbeing.

Providing Essential Supplies and Resources
Beyond equipment and labor, donations help procure necessary supplies like first aid kits, navigational tools, and educational materials. These supplies ensure that every outing is not only an adventure but also a safe and enriching learning experience. Additionally, your contributions help us offer resources like transportation for participants, meals during programs, and other essentials that might be taken for granted but are crucial for the seamless execution of our activities.

Enabling Priceless Experiences
Perhaps most importantly, your donations enable experiences that have no price tag – the joy of reconnecting with nature, the peace found in a quiet paddle on a serene river, the camaraderie around a campfire, and the profound personal transformations that occur. These moments, though intangible, are invaluable. Your support makes them possible, providing life-changing experiences to those who need them most.

Funding Essential Equipment and Operations
Your donations are instrumental in acquiring and maintaining essential equipment such as kayaks, camping gear, and safety tools, which are the backbone of our activities. This equipment is not just for recreational purposes; it’s a critical component in providing a safe and effective healing experience. Additionally, your support helps cover operational costs, such as program development and site maintenance, ensuring that our activities are not only enjoyable but also conducted in a safe and sustainable manner.

701 Kayaking Logo. 701 Kayaking text written on top in white with a light blue background. On the bottom in black text it says, "Non-Profit, so others may". Its background is in mustard yellow, with a white river separating both colors in the middle of this circular logo. There are two black paddles crossing each other in the middle over the white river.
Our Mission

Empowering transformation and fostering mental wellbeing through the healing power of nature and community-based outdoor activities, 701 Kayaking offers a sanctuary of support and growth for veterans and individuals in need.

if you can, all donations are appreciated
Some nights you just want to think, while the water flows around you. Here is a tip, always let someone know you are kayaking, and if possible, have someone close, with eyes on you, as you have eyes on them.

Utility pages

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3 Headers and Footers

With a total of 3 different headers and footers, you can easily customize the Play X Webflow Template to fit your company needs and requirements.

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A group of kayaks sitting near a shore. Is there a special word for that?
A man getting ready to take his kayak out into the day to go kayaking. Here he will experience why 701 Kayaking is what it is. Here he will start to discover himself, and if he had any fears, those mountains will be climbed.

3 Notification Bars

If you are looking to get more sales, use one of our 3 notification bars included in the Play X Webflow Template, and start promoting your products or services.

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Custom Icon Set

The Play X Webflow Template includes 3 sets of custom icons (rounded, square and filled), so you can easily use more icon fonts in your template.

No matter if you are looking to add another social media icon in the footer, or change the cart icon in the header, we got you covered.

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Has anyone figured out if there is a special word for a group of Kayaks sitting on the shoreline during the day in lovely North Dakota. If not, we should make one up.
Four kayaks, in various colors sitting on the shoreline in a bright sunny day.

Social Media Assets

Our Play X Webflow Template Figma file includes a collection of social media covers that match with the Webflow Template design (for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), so you can easily edit, customize, and use them for your own social media profiles.

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Kayaking on the River at night.

thank you for your generosity!!!

Thank you for your generous support, which empowers us to continue providing transformative experiences in nature for veterans and those seeking healing and growth.

when you can, we value your donations