David Patch

David Patch

701 Guide

David Patch - Founder of 701 Kayaking, Nature Advocate, and Decorated USMC Veteran

Hello, I'm David Patch, the proud founder of 701 Kayaking and a passionate advocate for the healing powers of nature. My journey has been unique and challenging, shaped significantly by my time in the United States Marine Corps. As an 0331 Machine Gunner, I served multiple combat tours, an experience that taught me resilience, camaraderie, and the profound value of life.

My service in the USMC was both a test and a teacher. The intensity and demands of being a machine gunner in combat zones honed my instincts and courage. Yet, amidst the chaos of military life, I found an unexpected sanctuary in the rare moments of tranquility, often in nature's lap. These experiences sowed the seeds for my deep connection with the natural world, leading me to understand its crucial role in our lives.

After my service, I was driven by a mission to share this revelation with others. This led to the birth of 701 Kayaking, more than just a kayaking company, it's a platform for people to rediscover their balance through nature. Here, we're not just teaching kayaking; we're guiding individuals to a place where they can hear the gentle flow of rivers, feel the rhythm of the paddle, and reconnect with the environment. It's my way of helping others find the same peace and grounding that nature has given me.

In this pursuit, I've realized that what many people lack in their hectic, technology-driven lives is a genuine connection with the natural world. Through 701 Kayaking, I aim to bridge this gap, offering experiences that not only teach kayaking skills but also foster a deeper appreciation for the environment. It's about creating moments where one can pause, breathe, and find a sense of equilibrium with nature - a lesson I learned in the most unexpected of places.

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David Patch

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